Stop Tweaking and Start Doing
October 22, 2019
Are You Too Risky to Hire?
October 22, 2019Our stories shape our world, communicate our brand, and impact our success.
People have been telling stories since the beginning of time. I’ve come to realize that everything is about story. There are our shared family stories, the stories we tell others about ourselves, and the stories we tell ourselves about the world and our place in it.
The trend today is to share your story in a more transparent way on social media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and virtually every other platform. You might be thinking, “Ugh and yuck, that’s the last thing I want to do.” And yet, sharing stories can be beneficial to our health, career and relationships. People want to know who we are before they hire us or buy from us.
We’ve been telling our career stories in the form of a résumé for a very long time. And, although there has been much discussion about the looming demise of the résumé, it is unlikely that it will vanish anytime in the near future. However, today the difference is that our résumés are supplemented by LinkedIn, Instagram, etc. What is becoming increasingly apparent is the importance of communicating our authentic career story in print, online, on video and in person. Those who are most effective at doing so will be in the greatest demand.
What should you do?
Carefully curate your stories; keep them tight with a beginning, middle and end.
You know how great books and movies grab you? They make you think. They are meaty and full of surprise. And, you just can’t get them out of your head. These are the very elements of story that you need to incorporate in your résumé and LinkedIn profile to make them read-worthy.
Whether you are conscious of it or not, at every step in the hiring process you are sharing your story. The question is, are you doing it effectively? Of paramount importance is sharing the right stories with the appropriate amount of detail to communicate the core of who you are and what you can contribute.
We’ve all been the recipient of embarrassing or off-color stories from individuals who share too much information. None of us want to be that person. Check in with a trusted colleague to be sure your stories take you where you want to go.